Sunday, October 10, 2010

DuPont Ride 10.10.10 - To Briery and Back

I did a loop today that I have done a few times since moving here.  It's a pretty fun one, with some decent mileage, and a good mix of terrain.  You start out at the Lake Imaging lot, and proceed from there.  The list of trails and roads that you connect is long, so I'll just post a link to the PAS directions, which is where I learned this route in the first place.  LINK  It was a perfect day, and the forest was crowded.  The touristy lots were overflowing onto the road, and there were quite a few horses on the trails, which made for loose conditions.  Overall, though, it was a great day to be on my bike in the woods.


Fall Color

Slickrock Outcropping on Joanna Rd.

These Two Trails are a Blast

One of Two Crossings on Briery Fork

Sweet Singletrack

Grassy Creek Tr. - You Have to Carefully Pick Your Lines Down

I Have No Idea How This Happened

Old Family Cemetary

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